Wednesday, February 14, 2007

really sad news.

This is unbelievably sad. i knew these two women, and saw them at gigs around town. i just saw kjersten at a christmas party in december. i'm having a difficult time wrapping my mind around this, believing that it actually happened. both women were fine musicians, ones whose attitudes i really admired. they were always so positive- i can't remember seeing either one ever in a bad mood. i can't imagine how their families must be feeling - my heart goes out to them. i can't understand why this happened to them, why fate chose them. why not someone who has a negative contribution to society?
now i'm scared when my husband leaves the house, scared that i'll never see him again. i'm sure this fear will go away, and my scary dreams are just my way of processing this awful news, but for now it's difficult. i'm so thankful for everything that i have, and being able to see my family & friends.

i meant to post this awhile ago, but i recently updated this blog to a newer version, and until now have been having trouble logging in to post.


Allegra said...

I heard about this as well. A couple musicians here knew them too. Very sad. I heard that the oboist that was sent to the ER was in the same wing as the drunk driver (that was fixed as soon as that was noticed).
Very sad. It really makes you appreciate what you have, and to remember to appreciate it everyday.


nobleviola said...

The hardest thing about it is the true randomness and meaninglessness of it. Had they left a minute or two later or earlier or been delayed along the way, they might be still alive, and someone else would have been killed in an instant. It makes me question everything that I'd assumed was correct, and it makes me not want to drive to Salem ever again for a runout, and to fear for Heather when she goes to gigs at night. I know that when i do gigs where these two were fixtures, it will be incredibly sad and really hit me - for now I'm still just numb and not really believing that it's happened.