Monday, April 07, 2008


i had an ultrasound today. i would post the picture, but i can't find a way to post an edited version (without confidential info). it was really neat seeing a little tiny baby on a screen that was kicking & dancing around. nice to know for sure that something is happening in my belly for real. i've certainly felt sick enough, but i have a flat belly. i've actually lost weight, but i'm sure it will come back in the near future. my mom dropped off these baby things today. j's response was: why don't they make those soft baby blankets for normal sized people? why do babies get all the soft stuff??? thanks for the stuff, grandma!


nobleviola said...

WOW!!! Congratulations! My head is spinning at this news, but I know you'll be a great mommie!!



Anonymous said...

woohoo! baby!
You know we were talking about baby development today and the teacher said that babies who have a little "stress" like being undernourished in the first trimester actually end up bigger and healthier at term...whereas fatty babies have more health problems later in life. She suggested that morning sickness has been "preserved by evolution" because it helps the mother stay thin during the first trimester, which then helps the baby grow better. Interesting, huh? Dunno if I think morning sickness has been kept around for Darwinian reasons, but I guess it's food for thought.