Friday, December 07, 2012


tuesday morning, on the way home after taking z to pasitos, s threw up in the car all over her car seat & everything. i figured this did not bode well for our upcoming trip. since july, we've been planning on going to las vegas with friends for our friend's 30th birthday. the kids were going to stay with grandma & grandpa, and i worked it into my teaching schedule. it definitely wasn't my morning, because i had forgotten it was pajama day, so i had to go home & get z's pj's and bring them back to him. poor little s! i cleaned her up as well as i could, and quickly wiped down the car seat, before buckling her all up again. after dropping off the clothes, s threw up again on the way home. thankfully my mom was at home, and she was able to come over to help out, while i started a load of laundry on the sanitize cycle & took the car seat out. i also got a quick nap in, as all the raccoon excitement took up a lot of our sleeping time. car seats are NOT easy to take apart! i eventually managed to clean it as well as possible, and j put it back in the car.
so, after dotting all our i's and crossing all our t's for the trip, i came down with s's illness early thursday morning. wickedly painful fever & sour stomach. grandma came over in the morning to pick up the kids, but then j had to pick them up in the afternoon because grandma got sick, too.
it's so disappointing. i have been looking forward to this trip for a long time. it was motivating me through the hard days, through busy schedules. and now it is non existent. we got some of the money back, but of course there were fees. my teaching schedule is set for the rest of the year. i can't just change it to a different week. sure, life could be worse, we are very blessed, but it's still very disappointing.
today, my fever has been gone, so i haven't needed any tylenol, but my stomach isn't back to normal. i've only been drinking ginger ale, aside from eating one banana. i managed to watch the kids after they woke up from napping while j went to the gym & grocery shopped, and we baked banana bread, but i'm back in bed now. tomorrow is just back to life as normal. z has swimming, j is going to a wine tasting in the evening. church on sunday. yay.

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