Friday, July 29, 2011

abuelo's b'day

j returned from his vacation last saturday night, and on sunday afternoon we went to canby to help celebrate abuelo's birthday. z & i had just picked up a REAL 1/16th size violin for z on saturday, and he was excited to share his mad violining skillz with everyone.

z & us, doing playing position.

z taking a bow.
i'm trying to not let him play with the bow yet. he needs to be a lot more comfortable with just holding the violin before adding the bowing. it's also very tempting to treat the bow as a stick or sword, so i'm going to wait to start bow exercises. it's added to the list of things he might get to do once he's potty trained.
speaking of, his motivation to start using the toilet is pretty low. he has happily peed in his bath water for quite a while - and announced "i just peed," or "i'm peeing" each time - so i've started having him stand in the bath water, but pee into a cup. he gets m&m's the next morning if he does this successfully. once j got him to stand on the toilet & pee (the stools we have are too low), but he has shown no interest in this again.

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