Wednesday, June 15, 2011

baby growing

i'm now 20 weeks. we had the 20 week ultrasound last friday, and everything was ok. i'm beginning to feel a lot of uncomfortable pressure on my ribcage - it's all being pushed out. my stomach gets full a lot faster. i think the baby has been going on a growing spree. i've had two physical therapy appointments to help deal with the pain of expanding. the last one was really helpful. i learned ways to get in & out of bed & to turn over at night without causing as much round ligament pain. there are two therapists at ohsu that i've seen, and they're trying to alleviate some pain i've been having in the adductor muscles and other parts of my hip. walking a lot aggravates the pain, as does picking up and carrying z - he weighed 36.5 lbs at the doctor's office! since he's been feeling so yucky, he's wanted to be carried a lot. ouch!

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