Tuesday, December 21, 2010


we've started going to the oregon gymnastics academy. they have open gym play times each week, and they also have classes for kids. i started z in a class for the 2-3 year olds. we went last week & today, and today the teacher recommended we move him back to the class for 12-24 month old kids. z can't jump yet, can't do a somersault by himself, can't walk foot in front of foot on the balance beam. i'm not surprised, given that his speech therapist says he has motor planning issues that cause his speech delay, but honestly.... can't SOMETHING be easy with him? can't he learn something on his own without my having to painstakingly teach it to him?


Allegra said...

awww mama. motherhood can be so frustrating sometimes, and very often as the primary caretaker we feel like failures when things don't "go as planned". I know it's easier said than done, but just let him be, he will figure things out in good time. you're a good mama and he is an absolute doll. xo

Chris said...

We have the same open gym thing here in bend, and I also tried their classes when Josh was right about 24 mos. TOTAL FAIL. It was just way too much structure for him, especially since we usually went there for their free play time. FYI, Josh also couldn't jump or really even run well until sometime this summer- 28 mos maybe? And he JUST started being able to sommersault and walk on a low beam recently. Maybe it's a family thing- Josh always seems to be the last of his group of friends to start doing the physical stuff.