Friday, February 06, 2009


so, as of yesterday at 1pm, we're trying to put z on a real schedule of nap times & eating & playing.  we're also insisting that he sleep in the crib for the naps, as he only sleeps about 20 min in the bouncy chair.  it's too early to tell, but i'm hoping it will help with his extreme fussiness that he's been exhibiting lately.  
i'm sick.  sore throat, drainage, feeling yucky.  and this came right in time for me to have to stay home and miss a dinner i've been looking forward to.  we scheduled this more than a month ago, and i would've gotten to see friends i've really been wanting to see.  friends with busy schedules.  so j will go & bring the dessert, and i'll stay home with z.  i'd have him take z along if we weren't trying to implement the schedule...
my husband has a gift for winning raffles & drawings.  at the climbing gym, they always have a drawing at the boulder jousts, and he usually wins something.  last night he went to see a climbing movie (i call it climbing porn) at the hollywood theater, and they had a raffle, and he came home with a new t-shirt & movie that he had won.  
me?  i have a gift for getting sick at the wrong times.  my 30th birthday?  sick.  the week of my wedding (including the wedding day)?  sick.  here i am, sick again.  i'd like to go, but i don't want to get everyone else sick.  several students came to their lessons this week under the weather, so of course i got it too.  just in time for the dinner, just in time for the weekend.  i gave my students today the option of coming or skipping this week.  two are coming, two decided to cancel.  sigh.    

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I remember when J was that age, if he had intense crying sessions it usually meant he was over-tired. Let me know how the schedule works out! I tried a couple of times with J, but never could really make it work. I hope it takes for you and Z.
J has also always been a short napper. A 1 hour nap is a long one for him. 30-45 minutes is the norm. It's hard on the parents to not have much down time! He's now starting to randomly take longer naps, but I never know when it will happen.